Written by Noor Shafique In the past, Africans chained their women, and even though women have…
Formula Electric Racing-NUST Shines at FSUK 2023 – Proud Flag Bearers of Pakistan in FS Class
Formula Electric Racing NUST was the only team from Pakistan and the entire South Asian region…
NUST Rocket Team – Propelling Pakistan to Unattained Pinnacles!
NUST Rocket Team (NRT) has played a pivotal role in the advancement and enhancement of science…
Team Swift: Student drone team from GIKI wins the Dawn Jaeger Tenacity Award at SUAS 2023
Team Swift, a student-powered team based in the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute (GIKI), have achieved a…
Applications for the Prime Minister’s Youth Laptop Scheme Phase-III for 2023-24
"Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme (PMYLS) Phase-III" to distribute 100,000 laptops among talented students on merit.
NUST AirWorks: Pakistani Students Leading the Way in Autonomous Drone Design and Manufacturing
NUST AirWorks, a team of talented and determined students at the National University of Sciences and…
10 Must Have Apps for Computer Science Students
Here are 10 best apps for computer science students that will improve their productivity.
Pakistani Student Sets World Record by ‘Finishing’ Bachelors in Just 1.5 Years
A Pakistani student has registered a world record after completing his three-and-a-half-year bachelor’s degree program in…
PNEC-NUST Students: Leading the development of rockets, EVs, robots & drones in Pakistan
Societies at NUST-PNEC PNEC, being a constituent college of NUST, undertakes many activities in addition to…
Muzammil Khan, 23, publishes a biochemistry book to become one of the youngest medical authors in Pakistan
Muzammil Khan is one of the youngest medical authors in Pakistan in the subject of biochemistry…
Karachi University PhD students win ISN travel awards for the ASPN meeting
The International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) has awarded two PhD students of the International Center for…