Vivid Labs, an interactive media startup from Karachi has finally wrapped up the development of Pakistan’s first-ever Urdu language 360 VR Film.
Kehkashan Ki Sair (Urdu)/ Excursion Through Milky Way (English Dub), is a fully immersive 360 VR experience that takes you on a guided tour through our galaxy.

Voiced by Anas Ali Khan (Urdu version) and Dua Hassan Chandio (English version), this journey starts from the earth, where you witness some unique elements of an astronaut’s training. It then launches you into the skies, stopping over at the International Space Station, followed by Moon.
Once freed from Earth’s gravity, you will make a stopover at Mars and then Pluto before cruising into interstellar space.
In interstellar space, you get to see the surface of several exo-planets, fly through a nebula and into a supermassive black hole, emerging on the other side via a wormhole.
This 30 Minute VR documentary will cover some of the most breathtaking sceneries that our universe has to offer.
Vivid labs in its press release said that VR technology is not widely available to most Pakistanis, which is why they will be hosting physical on-site screening events in Pakistan where users can view this documentary on VR Headsets arranged by the startup itself.
For this purpose, Vivid labs are in contact with various schools, colleges, and STEM-focused educational organizations who could partner with them and host these events.
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