Dr Muhammad Tanveer Munir, a veterinarian from Pakistan, has been awarded Silver Medal of French Academy of Agriculture (Académie d’Agriculture de France -AAF) for his groundbreaking PhD research on “Hygienic safety of wood materials in the Hospitals”.
His doctoral research proved that the most common bacteria and fungi, responsible for hospital acquired infections, survive least on wood surfaces when compared to plastic, steel, aluminum and melamin in the similar conditions.

For this research, he worked with public hospitals, veterinary schools, and engineering laboratories. During his research project, he supervised five master’s theses and communicated his findings in more than 15 peer-reviewed scientific journals and 20 scientific conferences.
AAF was established in 1761. It is committed provide the Government and general public, the scientific, technical, legal, political and social opinions on the progresses in agricultural sciences, being it at national or international levels.
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It also facilitates exchanges between scientists of various disciplines of agriculture including livestock production, fishing, and sea farming, food and industrial products, machinery, environment, rural life, etc. Each year, AAF awards this prestigious medal to one young researcher in each category.
Dr Munir is currently a lecturer in the veterinary public health at the 2nd oldest veterinary school of the world, Alfort National Veterinary School. Meanwhile, he is a regular consultant for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, providing his expertise on animal health subjects including current emergence of Lumpy Skin Disease in Pakistan.
Dr Munir is graduate of Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. He started his career as part of pioneering team who started research on Ostriches in Pakistan. His team stablished ostrich breeding and research centers at Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi in 2013 and at National Agriculture Research Center, Islamabad in 2015.
Dr Munir is also developing research projects on food safety to enhance scientific collaboration between France and Pakistan. He also plans to organize student exchange programs for French and Pakistani universities.
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