In a major development, Pakistan and Turkey are currently collaborating on the development of a fifth-generation fighter jet called the TF-X.
The development was shared by Temel Kotil, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Turkish Aersospace Industries (TAI), during the TV programme, ‘Aaj Rana Mubashir Kay Sath’, aired earlier on Aaj News.
It may be mentioned that back in 2019, TAI opened its first office in Pakistan at the country’s first technology park National Science & Technology Park.

“This is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft, in which Pakistan and Turkey are now collaborating,” added Air Vice-Marshal Dr Rizwan Riaz, Pro-Rector Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC) at National University of Science and Technology (NUST).
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“The way it works is that the team, which is leading the programme in Turkey, offloads smaller pieces of work to the students and researchers here. Components of the project are broken into smaller tasks, after which they are integrated,” added Dr Riaz while elaborating on the project work methodology.
Dr Riaz said Kotil and his team are in Pakistan, and keen to expand the scope of the facility.
He said NUST has previously conducted similar projects in collaboration with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Pakistan Air Force (PAF).
Meanwhile, Kotil said that his company is bringing products to Pakistan. “This is more practical than inviting Pakistani engineers to Turkey,” he said.
Pakistan and Turkey have been involved in a number of defence projects including the purchase of helicopters and the development of drone technology.
Last year, TAI signed a contract with Pakistan’s National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) to produce military drones, namely Anka unmanned aerial vehicles.
Within the scope of the contract, components belonging to Anka will be produced and developed. TAI and NESCOM will be jointly responsible for employment, resource, and technology transfer, the statement added.
Also Read: Turkish Aerospace Industries to establish a high-tech aviation lab at NUST University